GOOD MORNING, 2484 (Israel Belo de Azevedo)
"The more serious a disease is, the greater the hope has to be. Because the function of hope is to fill what we lack." (Vergílio Ferreira)
Theology for hard times
If it did not come, it will still come.
If it has already come, we know how much it has already made us suffer and will still do.
The disease is for everyone, have health insurance or no provision in the portfolio.
For some, it comes as a consequence of a history outside the rules lived.
For others, it comes without a known cause.
It may be temporary, everyday difficulty.
It can be overly symptomatic difficulty requiring dramatic decision, such as strong and prolonged remedies or even radical surgery.
Every disease, diagnosed or just felt, requires courage.
With courage, we admit that we are sick, but we will not make the final stop.
With courage, we seek explanations, but not to condemn us, because pain is already heavy luggage.
With courage, we believe that our illness will be overcome.
With courage, we will receive the treatment even if inconvenient.
With courage, we will pay the price of the sequel if it is inevitable.
With courage, we will trust in faith that we strive to be unshakable.
Confident, thank you for having arrived where we arrived.
Grateful, we will affirm that God is and will be with us, and in his care we continue.
If we are healed, the grace of God will gladly experience it.
If we are not healed, the full glory of God face to face we will see.
"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." (Romans 8:37)
Good morning!!!
Israel Belo de Azevedo